Discount London Escort Issues

Here at Empire Escorts Agency, it gives us great pleasure to offer our subscribers discounts every single weekend. We are the only agency in Sheffield to do this consistently. When you subscribe to our newsletter, you’ll receive a useful email each week, not just a collection of links to our escorts or unnecessary fluff.

When you subscribe, expect a newsletter every Friday (sometimes late Thursday), introducing you to three stunning escorts we’d like you to meet. Alongside this, we’ll share independent reviews from reputable sites, and most importantly, you’ll receive the weekend’s discount code. This code will give you 10% off any Sheffield escort booking you like, and sometimes even more! We also use the newsletter to share important updates or relevant content, such as this article.

Respect is Everything!

Recently, we've noticed that some clients taking advantage of our discounts haven’t been treating our escorts with the respect they deserve. It’s unfortunate that some people seem to think that because they booked an escort at a discounted rate, they can push boundaries and behave inappropriately. Whether these clients feel superior because they paid less or for another reason, this type of behavior is unacceptable.

Let us make this clear: booking an escort at a discount doesn’t entitle you to act disrespectfully. You are fortunate to spend time with any of the beautiful, professional women we represent, and this privilege should always be met with respect.

Language Barriers

Most of the escorts at Empire Escorts Agency speak excellent English, but some may struggle a little, as many are international. Language barriers should be expected when dealing with an agency that represents diverse, international escorts. If there are any misunderstandings about the discount process, please exercise patience. All the girls are informed about discounts, but if there’s confusion, the best approach is to kindly ask them to contact our agency.

Some girls may work with several agencies and occasionally get mixed up, especially when discounts are involved. Our receptionists are here to help, and they can quickly clarify things for both you and the escort. We work hard to ensure these matters are communicated to the girls, but patience and understanding from you are vital to keeping things smooth.


If this behavior continues, we will have no choice but to remove disrespectful clients from the subscriber list, blacklist them with all Sheffield agencies (yes, we can do this), and we may even stop offering discounts altogether. Let’s be clear: we do not want to do this. We value all our clients, but we will not tolerate disrespect in any form. We strive to maintain a happy, respectful, and smooth-running escort community, and we need everyone’s cooperation to make that happen.

So please, don’t ruin it for everyone. Let’s keep this community as enjoyable and professional as possible for everyone involved.

If you want to book Sheffied Escort agency then visit Empire Escorts Agency.

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